For your info to the FAQ for clarification on a few points, the answers are as follows:- (for Training & Certification)
Answer: Answer: The key requirement of Halal Certification is to have Halal training, and it is a preferred and mandatory Halal compliance and will be an advantage to do so.
Answer:As Malaysian Halal Technical Body, it's a known fact and generally recognized that whenever it is been certified and trained by us, other potential "Halal Customer / Airlines" will follow suit and take Malaysia as a benchmark and model due to our strict Halal Standards and Compliance and because of Malaysia global reputation as a Halal Hub.
Answer: At your premises or In-flight Kitchen unit.
Answer:Kindly refer item No. 11 – Consultation Charge.
The Training, Monitoring and Certification Charge – inclusive of Halal Training Hand-Outs, Certificate of Attendance, Certification Service, Halal Guidelines and Consultation.
Besides consultation charge, all costs incurred pertaining to Hotel accommodation and domestic flight (if applicable) will be borne by the caterer / food supplier.
Answer: Flight ticket will be borne by MHCT-MATRIX for the first trip.
N.B. However for the second and subsequent trips, including if the station / city which are not included in Malaysian home base scheduled destinations (Flight Routings) an additional of USD $ 1,500.00 will be charged.
Answer: Anytime from now as per your request. Duration 02 – 03 Days. Training program is very flexible, we can have 02 session per day (morning & afternoon) 1000 – 1300hrs and 1400 – 1700hrs.Total participant for each session can be between 15 to 25 staff or more.Attendees:
  • (a) Key personnel from management team e.g. QA, Procurement, Executive Chef, Operation
  • (b) It is preferable to those who are involved directly or indirectly in Halal Food preparation.
  • For training, we need a projector for the PowerPoint presentation. Hand-outs (master copy & CD) will be provided.
Day 01: Training on Total Application of Halal according to Codex Alimentarius & MAS Standards base on Malaysian MS1500 Guidelines to caterer – Management team and Staff.
Day 02: To conduct Compliance Certification Audit at Kitchen unit. The audit will cover Kitchen Halal/Hygiene & Quality Compliance (including selected supplier if applicable and necessary).
Day 03: Morning: To do follow-up and documentation audit etc.

Afternoon: Debriefing and Certificate Presentation Ceremony.

FYI, the differences between our training & certification programme compare the one provided by local authority are the Inflight Catering Guidelines – We focused on Halal Application Concept in Totality approach or also known as “HACIT”.

It will cover the entire area from handling of food, processing, critical control points as per IATA – Airlines Protocol and Malaysian strict Halal Standards MS1500 (inclusive of Halal, Hygiene, Quality, Safety and Adherence to Specification Audits).

We have developed a documented procedure for this purpose. The procedure is consistent with HACCP, CODEX, MS1500 and other quality assurance standards and is easily implemented. We work closely with the caterer every step of the way to make sure all questions are answered and the Halal food procedures are integrated into the standard operating procedures.

Once the Caterer meets the requirements for Halal Certification, a Certificate of Compliance is issued.